Thursday, January 9, 2014

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling Day 31

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling

Day 31: Oil Pastel, Collage

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

2 Corinthians 13:14

Day 31!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!

Singing, "Yes, Jesus loves me, for the Bible tells me so!"

Thank you for joining me on this last and  final day of 31 Days of Faith Art Journaling! My heart is overflowing. I could hardly wait to get home to start on this page. Interesting, it wasn't until I sat down that anything would stand still in my mind. So, now it's 11:00 pm and I am at peace with what flowed from my heart.

I relieved myself of trying to create a masterpiece. I remained true to this journey. I learned about different ways to hear from the Lord. I learned about where I am at this point on this spiritual journey. I learned different art journaling techniques which made me step out of my comfort zone.

I indeed am the Lord's servant out of my comfort, growing in Christ each day!

Materials Used

Portfolio Oil Pastels
Pastel Pencils
Rain drop stickers
I am still having problems loading more than one picture from my album. That's ok. IT IS FINISHED! Praise the Lord!


1. Apply oil pastel on paper and use a baby wipe to spread.
2. Collage dove onto page. Outline dove with markers and pastel pencil. Blend
3. Doodle

Scripture Journaling

Print out your scripture.

My heart is truly overflowing......I am praising God. Hands trembling.....I am just thankful that He chose me for this journey in order to give Him  glory! Yes, I give Him glory! Great and Mighty is our God!

Dear Lord, my heart is open to Your will and Your way. Help me Lord when I come up short. Help me to remain focused on You. I desire to give You praise for all things big and small. In You I have found complete rest. Thank You, Lord!! Hallelujah!!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling Day 30

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling Day 30

Being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.”
Romans 4:21-22

Day 30!

It’s been a great day! I am bursting over with joy about what The Lord is doing in my life and the life of believers around me. I am "fully persuaded that God has the power to do what He has promised!!" Glory to His Name.

Materials Used
Scented Spray inks
Wood accents
Paint markers


1.Spray all colors over both pages. Allow to dry.
2. Spray wood accents
3. Glue wood accents on both pages
4. Doodle on the floral wood accents with paint markers
5. Doodle little dots all over both pages.

Scripture Journaling

Print out the scripture and glue to the pages.

When my daughter was in high school, she was on the relay team for the school’s track club. The relays were always the most exciting to me. As I watched the end of the race, there was always at least one kid who looked back while heading to the finished line. That motion seemed to slow down the momentum. Purpose will be better served to focus on the finish line and then review the video later. So, is the case with this journey.....

We are approaching the finish line. We are not there yet, but we can see it!!! Today is just as important. There are things that tried to run me down on this journey…anxiety, depression, not enough time, illness, pain, computer access, computer issues. pictures not loading,etc. But I never looked back. I never lost my momentum because I had people praying for me. And each day during my devotion, the Holy Spirit handed me yet another baton to carry. It’s a wonderful thing when the Lord can trust you to commit to a task.

My God cannot lie. So I rest on His promises. He can do anything and everything beyond my limited imagination and desires. I am so encouraged by this journey. This journey enabled me to Push regardless of pain and discomfort. I feel blessed. There is praise party in my heart!!!

Prayer: Dear Lord, I just want to thank You for trusting me. Thank You for prayer warriors. Thank You for humbling me. Lord, I dedicate my gift to You and give You all the glory! In Jesus Name.Amen!!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling Day 29

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling

Day 29 : Gelatos, Modeling Paste

The Lord is compassionate and gracious; slow to anger, abounding in love.

Psalm 103:8

Welcome to Day 29! Yes, Day 29!! One of the most awesome things about this journey is that it’s been on purpose. I have enjoyed so many peaceful days when I allowed the Lord to take on my day. I pray you are continually blessed during this journey.

So excited I can barely type! J

Materials Used

Faber Castell™ Gelatos

Modeling Paste (made with gesso and baking soda)




  1. Randomly cover the page with different color Gelatos pens.
  2. Dip paint brush in water and paint on the different colors. Allow to dry.
  3. Stamp using clear stamps and words “Abounding in Love” stamp.
  4. Using a stencil, apply modeling paste. Allow to dry.
  5. Place butterfly and flower sticker onto page.
  6. Lightly mist with spray ink.
  7. Doodle.

Scripture Journaling

Print out scripture and glue to page.

I love this scripture reference to “abounding in love”. When I did a word search I found the following words also: full, rich, flowing, bountiful. Any of these words would work for how I feel right now.

I desire to be more like Jesus.

 It’s just Tuesday and already I have experienced situations in which I had to show compassion; I had to exhibit being gracious. Certainly, anger tried to invade my spirit just two days ago. I know when I live my life reflecting an overflow or abundance of love, then my actions will follow suit. It isn’t always easy. There have been times when my actions didn’t suggest a life overflowing with love. I thank God for saving me from my past. I am thankful for what the Lord placed inside of me.

Does your life reflect an abundance of love overflowing from your heart? Is there something blocking your flow?

Prayer: Dear Lord, Thank You for being compassionate, gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. I want to walk, talk and live like You. Help me to decrease so that You may increase in my life. Lord, remove any fears that I may have that would keep me from walking into my destiny. In Jesus Name. Amen.  

Monday, January 6, 2014

31 Days of Faith Arth Journaling Day 28

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling

Day 28: Gelatos, Collage

 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God , who gives to all generously and without reproach.

James 1:5

Woo Hoo! It’s Day 27! We’re almost there! I can see it…touch it! But even in the excitement I making it a point to stay in the moment. Anxiety use to have a way of spinning my days out of control. I pray daily to stay in the moment when the occasion calls for that.

Let’s ride this momentum….!!

Materials Used

Faber Castell™ Gelatos

American Crafts™ Paper Pad

I wasn't able to load all of my pictures using Blogger. That's okay! The journey continues!
Thank You, God!


  1. Collage card stock paper and place them randomly on the page.
  2. Collage tissue paper.
  3. Apply different colors of Gelatos over the card stock and blend with your fingers.
  4. Collage text to page.
  5. Glue fabric butterfly onto page.
  6. Stamp with gesso
  7. Journal with White Gelly Roll Pen.

Scripture Journaling

Scripture came from a magazine page.

I got very little sleep last night. A storm came…..not outside, but inside. The lump in my throat and turning in my stomach alerted me that I needed to breathe. So instead of fighting the fact that I couldn’t go to sleep, I just stayed up and talked with the Lord. Finally learned how to listen when I can't sleep. This situation is bigger than me. This situation is not bigger than my God! I asked the Lord for wisdom to make decisions based upon His Word, not based on how emotional I was.

Today was peaceful. The mountain is still there. But the view is clearer and I don’t have to carry this. I am trusting God for this situation.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I desire to die in You daily. Sometimes this walk becomes difficult, but I carry  Your Word in my heart. Thank You for calming me long enough to hear from You. Lord, I need You always. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling Day 27

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling

Day 27: Tissue Paper Collage, Glimmer Mist

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Proverbs 4:23

Day 27!!  Oh Happy Day! Oh Happy Day, when Jesus washed my sins away! This song popped in my head as soon as I started typing. So, I typed the words.  :-) Today I am truly grateful. If I could write out a script for this day, I probably would have written it differently. But the devil is a liar and I will rejoice because my God is awesome! Regardless of what it feels like or looks like , I will praise the Lord!

Won't let anything stop this journey!

Happy to begin ...again!

Materials Used
Sargent Art © Acrylic Colors
Tissue papers - assorted colors
Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist

 Applied paints in a zig zag pattern


1. Apply paints in random zig zag. Allow to dry.
2. Rip tissue paper and randomly apply with Mod Podge.
3. Doodle with markers.
4. Spray Glimmer Mist to add a little glimmer to the page.


Scripture Journaling

Print out your scripture.

Today I attended church and heard my first sermon of 2014 from my pastor, Pastor Tacuma Johnson. The title of the sermon was "A New Beginning...Again." I thought it was fitting after Day 8 in which I created the page, "New Beginning." As I finished that page, I was thinking "how many beginnings can I have?"Well, my short answer is as many as it takes. I thank God for New Beginnings. That's how much He loves me.

The sermon was packed with a message from the Word of God. There is always something the Pastor says each week that sticks with me. So, today I will place those words on my page:

A Walk With God is an exercise in discomfort.
I will journal later on this page...excited!

What message from a sermon, a conversation, a study , or reading has stuck with you in the early days of 2014?

 Lord, thank you for New Beginnings...Again. Thank Your for Your mercy and Your grace. Lord, this battle I have right now, this moment, I release it to You. Thank You for the song in my heart. I will worship You always. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling Day 26

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling 

Day 26: Magazine Collage  

 Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Proverbs 4:23


Day 26! Welcome! Welcome! Welcome back! I pray the Lord has been speaking to you through this journey. My heart is so full right now. I have been up most of the night. I decided to get up this very cold Saturday morning to create what the Lord has placed in my heart. I didn't know what it would be. I try to remain open....I have learned that the journey is easier.


Still thanking God for prayer!


Materials Used

Sargent Art © Acrylic Colors

White Acrylic paint

White Gelly Roll pen







1. Apply paints in random order on the page. Allow to dry.

2. Cut a picture and /or found words from an old magazine.

3. Collage using Modge Podge.

4. Journal with White Gelly Roll Pen.
5. Embellish with butterfly stickers.




Scripture Journaling


Write out the scripture in your own handwriting.


I am glad I got up. I was wide awake. I wasn't restless, just wide awake. So, I came to my studio to allow the Lord to create through me. He spoke to me. And I had an honest conversation about the issues flowing from my heart. As I was flipping through the magazine, I saw the words, "How did I get here?' I flipped and flipped through the pages looking for something else, yet this question remained in my mind. And once I started to cut it out...I could hear a soft, "Yes...."  Lord , have mercy! Thank you , God for this journey!


The Lord has given me permission to write my story.....out of a place of wholeness! Praise the Lord!


Prayer: Most Kind and Gracious Father, thank You for your redeeming love. Thank You for healing my broken heart. Thank You for removing so much hurt and anger so that I can enjoy life and so that I could experience Your love. I searched and found You. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Friday, January 3, 2014

31 Days of Faith Art Journaing Day 25

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling 

Day 25: Journaling  

 Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22 


Day 25!!  Can you believe it? Magical....Wondrous are words I am using right now. Last night as I was art journaling my back and arms were aching so badly. Earlier I place a pillow behind my back at dinner. I was hoping the aching would go away. I am grateful the Lord gave me strength to continue. So yes this moment is magical....wondrous.
I started working on this page while standing..Praise God!

I thank God for prayer. We talk daily, throughout the day. I know He's close. I know He. I feel His presence. There were times when the Lord felt far away. I know now He was always a pray away.


Thanking God for prayer!


Materials Used

Sargent Art © Acrylic Colors

White Gelly Roll pen

Bubble wrap




1. Apply paints in random order on the page. Allow to dry. This paint is bright and bold.

2. Stamp with paint using bubble wrap.

3. Stamp with white paint.

4. Journal with White Gelly Roll Pen.





Scripture Journaling


Meditate on the verse ,Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith. Matthew 21:22.

Write a prayer to the Lord about anything that has been on my heart this week. Wrtie without stopping, pausing or thinking. Just write until you are finished. You'll know when.



This journaling moment was so powerful as the words rolled from my pen to the page. I could feel my shoulders relaxing from the day. I could feel the Lord lightening my load. I am in awe when I experience the presence of the Lord in different ways. I have realized by placing limits on God, I place limits on what He can do in my life. As I wrote my prayer I was listening to Yolanda Adams song, "Just A Prayer Away." That is one of my all time favorites. I remember years ago listening to that song and really, really, really getting that the Lord was only a prayer away.


When all I could do was cradle over in a ball and cry out..the Lord was there. When I was a scared little girl crying myself to sleep every single  night, the Lord heard me. When I cried in my high school classroom trying to figure out which adult I could confide in, the Lord was there. He brought back to my remembrance of His very real presence. That's a later post. Yes, God is real!

I tried not to cry while writing this post. I tried not to cry while writing my prayer. I have stopped and started...tears flowing. My heart is glad. There is truly a praise party in my heart and I will praise the Lord for the rest of my life!





Prayer: Heavenly Father, You alone are Holy. I give myself away to Your will and purpose for my life. I give You praise because You kept me!  You kept my mind. You made me whole. I can't thank You enough. Thank You for my pastor, Pastor Tacuma Johnson and my First Lady Dr. Michelle Johnson. Thank You for blessing them with a ministry where there is healing and truth in Your name. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling Day 24

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling 

Day 24: Alcohol Inks


 And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable , and perfect, will of God.

Romans 12:2 



Welcome back to Day 24. I am excited about the new year and new beginnings. When I'm in my    sewing craft room I listen to music. There are times when there is silence, but for the most part there is music. One of my favorite songs to listen to is Kirk Franklin's Imagine Me©. The youth choir at my church sings it with such passion. The words speak to a place deep in me. I am healed. I am blessed. I am whole.


Let's continue our journey!




Materials Used

AdirondackAlcohol Inks

Colors - watermelon, sail boat blue, citrus

American Acrylic Writer - black

Blue glitter

White Acrylic Paint







1. Apply drops of ink on page. Allow to dry.

2. Apply gesso over the page

3. Apply drops of alcohol inks and blow with a straw. Come on! It's fun!

4. Stamp with white paint.

5. Draw a shape with a black writer. I drew a flower.

6. Embellish with glitter. 


Scripture Journaling


Print out or write the words to a song you learned as a child that has remained in your heart.




My pastor preached ,"If you change the focus of your mind, you will change the focus of your world". I can now see the good that God has placed in the world. I can now experience the goodness of other people. I can now imagine and receive a great life for me. I can finally write my story. Imagine Me! I am free!


I included a song we use to sing in our youth choir when I was a girl. I still sing it today! It begins///Nothing is impossible......."


Nothing is impossible if you love the Lord

Nothing is impossible, if you believe on His word

It's no secret what Cod can do

What He's done for others, He do the same for you

OH, nothing is impossible if you love the Lord


Your health

Your wealth

Everything you need

Trust in God

He's always succeed

Oh Nothing is impossible if you love the Lord

Imagine that nothing is impossible for the Lord. Do not allow yourself to place limits on God.


Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for Your vision for my life. I am thanking You because I can see me in my future. I can now imagine me in a place of love, forgiveness and hope. My days were once so long and nights so dark. Thank You for light in darkness and for lighting the weight of the world off of me. I will praise You all my days. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling Day 23

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling 

Day 23: Collage Fun


Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love,

For I have put my trust in You.

Show me the way I should go,

For to You I entrust my life.

Psalm 143:8 


Day 23 and the First Day of 2014! Happy New Year!! I declare and decree that this year, 2014 will be a prosperous year for harvest of blessing by God Almighty! I believe that! I trust  God and lean on His promises!

Yes, I trust the Lord!




Materials Used

Found papers, security envelope

Handmade collage papers

Card stock
Have fun! Relax! Let's have a collage party! My fav!
Acrylic paints, handmade collage paper

Collage paper, found paper, envelope



1. Squeeze a  dab of blue and white paint and drag with gift card.

2. Cut leaf shapes out of found papers, handmade collage papers

3. Cut organic shapes from a blue security envelope and orange and pink paper

4. Collage using matte gel medium or Mod Podge.

5. Collage the tree with a brown paper bag scrap. Collage leaves, grass, flowers.

6. Highlight by outlining shapes with fine tip marker and white gelly roll pen.

7. Doodle




Scripture Journaling


Print out and glue to the page.


Watch night service was awesome! The Word spoken was received and planted deep in my heart. I was blessed by the fellowship. I can't imagine bringing in the New Year any other way. Did I say the fellowship was awesome!


I was praying about my One Word for 2014. I chose the word Hope. I understood why I chose it. Yet, each time I would proclaim it or write about it, I could only myself. There is nothing wrong with the word. I need Hope in the Lord in my life. But it simply wasn't my word.


Then God....chose another word.....TRUST! 

I heard Him. I felt Him.  

I learned to never step ahead of God. It won't work. I have experienced living in the moment  as a way to ease my anxieties. But by living in the present moment, I was able to hear a right now Word. I am so elated I can barely write! I am always in awe of how the Lord works.

Prayer: Most Kind Father, You alone are worthy of my praise and my worship. I am nothing without You. I have learned to trust You more than I have my entire life. Lord, grant me wisdom and courage to move when You say "Move and to speak when You say , "Speak."

I am so grateful that You have placed people in my life who loved me in my brokenness and are happy now that you have made me whole. I praise You! In Jesus Name. Amen.