Wednesday, January 8, 2014

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling Day 30

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling Day 30

Being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.”
Romans 4:21-22

Day 30!

It’s been a great day! I am bursting over with joy about what The Lord is doing in my life and the life of believers around me. I am "fully persuaded that God has the power to do what He has promised!!" Glory to His Name.

Materials Used
Scented Spray inks
Wood accents
Paint markers


1.Spray all colors over both pages. Allow to dry.
2. Spray wood accents
3. Glue wood accents on both pages
4. Doodle on the floral wood accents with paint markers
5. Doodle little dots all over both pages.

Scripture Journaling

Print out the scripture and glue to the pages.

When my daughter was in high school, she was on the relay team for the school’s track club. The relays were always the most exciting to me. As I watched the end of the race, there was always at least one kid who looked back while heading to the finished line. That motion seemed to slow down the momentum. Purpose will be better served to focus on the finish line and then review the video later. So, is the case with this journey.....

We are approaching the finish line. We are not there yet, but we can see it!!! Today is just as important. There are things that tried to run me down on this journey…anxiety, depression, not enough time, illness, pain, computer access, computer issues. pictures not loading,etc. But I never looked back. I never lost my momentum because I had people praying for me. And each day during my devotion, the Holy Spirit handed me yet another baton to carry. It’s a wonderful thing when the Lord can trust you to commit to a task.

My God cannot lie. So I rest on His promises. He can do anything and everything beyond my limited imagination and desires. I am so encouraged by this journey. This journey enabled me to Push regardless of pain and discomfort. I feel blessed. There is praise party in my heart!!!

Prayer: Dear Lord, I just want to thank You for trusting me. Thank You for prayer warriors. Thank You for humbling me. Lord, I dedicate my gift to You and give You all the glory! In Jesus Name.Amen!!!!

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