Monday, December 23, 2013

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling Day 14

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling 

Day 14: Derwent Art Bars, Ric Rac, Buttons 

Forget the former things: do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing

Isaiah 43:18-19


We are nearly half way up the mountain.  Day 14! This journey is helping me in so many ways. Sometimes its so hard to make time to do things you enjoy! . I had to decide to but myself on my own "to do" list and not feel guilty about it. No regrets here! Moving forward!


Today I am playing with Derwent Art water-soluble wax bar. Let's see what in store!! 

Let's Begin!



Materials Used

Derwent Art Bars

Ric Rac

Rose Ribbons

Old buttons

Bic Correction fluid




1. Coat the page with Gesso..

2. Apply Art Bar with random shapes for coverage

3. Spray water and blend colors

4. Outline the shapes

5. Apply buttons using a glue gun

6. Apply Ric Rac and rose ribbon with glue gun.

7. Doodling and stamping


Scripture Journaling 

Print out or write scripture or quote. 

"If holding on is disturbing your peace, it's time to let go." Iyanla Vanzant

It finally accepted  that I couldn't soar with the weight of my past occupying space in my heart. I carried baggage so long, I thought it was simply who I was. But I remember crying out to the Lord...I remember agonizing on my knees, "Lord, help me! I am dying inside!" The Lord gave me the strength to release my past. Now I have a past. But my past doesn't have me.


Are you struggling with something in your past that you want the Lord to release you from? Write about it. What would freedom look like?

Prayer: Dear Lord, You saved me from the lies of my past. You allowed me to cry my last tear for that situation. I praise You and give You all the glory and honor. Now I can soar in Your name. My heart is open to the things of You. Lord, I love you. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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