Saturday, December 28, 2013

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling Day 19

31 Days of Faith Art Journaling 

Day 19: Paint Markers 

Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.

Psalm 119:105



It's Day 19 and it's been a crunch time day! I drove to see my mother yesterday and arrived back home this evening. There was so much packed into this Christmas season, I  decided to wait until after the New Year to travel. Something was pulling on my heart, so I drove down yesterday evening...just a 2 hour and 45 minute drive but traffic was crazy! Thank God for kids with licenses.


So, now I am focused and staying on track.  Yes, creating an art journal page each day for 31 days. Thanks for encouraging me, following along, or creating along with me.



Let's Begin!


Materials Used 

Paint Markers

Acrylic Craft Paint

Old Gift Card


Using an old gift card is on my favorite techniques!




1. Squeeze a little paint onto your page. Drag the paint with your gift card, old credit card .

2. Cover the entire page or part of the page as you desire. Here, I squeezed more paint than I needed. So, I started a new page with the excess paint.

3. Once dry, doodle flowers with the paint markers. Embellish using the paint markers.


Scripture Journaling 

Print out scripture and glue to the page.


"Lord, I am listening."

So as I began to write, I just had to stop and appreciate this moment of clarity. "Listen." This scripture means so much to me. I know I am lost without the grace of God. God is so good. In my darkest hours His Word provided me with a lighted path, even when I didn't know it.

As I was preparing to leave my mother's home, she handed me a book about worshiping. Each time I leave my mother's home, she gives me something inspirational to read. As a young girl going off to college and as an adult, I have received many books and magazines devoted to helping me spiritually.

When the throws of depression had me pinned in, it was the Word that provided the light for me to follow. That Path lead to Life. Journaling helped me to follow that Light.


Prayer: Lord, I know Greater is coming. Thank You for providing Light on my path. Thank You for Your Word that saved me. Lord, You blessed me to be able to write in my diary as a little girl. Those small words in those small books had a big impact on my life. Thank you for my life. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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